Our Vision & Values

Our vision is simple - we want to embody Jesus to our neighbors.


To embody means to give a tangible and visible expression to something. We want to be a witness to Jesus that is both “real” and “seen” by others. When others encounter people from the Vineyard, we want them to know we have been in the presence of Jesus by our loving words and actions. We want them to know, in some small way, that God has come near to them through us!


We want to take this embodied witness everywhere we go - our neighbors where our church is located, our neighbors at our work or school, and our actual neighbors! Jesus offered a very broad definition of who our neighbor is (Luke 10) and we want to live into this, extending radical welcome to all.


Three values drive our vision:

  1. Radical welcome - We believe Jesus welcomes everyone - period. We don’t have to agree with people in order to welcome them. We can affirm others without affirming all their choices. We keep this front and center, because when we were a long way from God, Jesus welcomed us.

  2. Vulnerable authenticity - At the Vineyard we like to take off the mask. You know what we mean: “I’m alright and you’re alright” (or “blessed and highly favored” if you prefer). We believe genuine community and growth happens when we can be completely honest about our struggles. Some find this vulnerability unnerving, but once you grow accustomed to it you will feel the freedom of simply being yourself.

  3. Church as family - Church isn’t a commodity to be consumed, it is a family to commit to. Here is where we form relationships that last a lifetime - and beyond.