Support Our Mission
Help Change Lives
Ever notice there are no inspiring stories of accumulation, but there are thousands of inspiring stories of sacrifice? Us too! Since the beginning of our church, a group of generous people have chosen to sacrificially give a portion of their income to the Vineyard with a dream to create a church that that changes lives. You can sign up to give one-time or reoccurring, whatever works for your schedule. When you give, you help create a church that leads people into a life-changing relationship with Jesus.
Caring Faith Children’s Centre
Caring Faith in a partnership between the Vineyard and Faith Chapel, a local church in Nairobi, Kenya, that seeks to alleviate poverty among children in the Kibera Slum (one of Africa's largest). Currently, our partnership supports 15 children who have been orphaned due to AIDS or abandonment. Of course, the more people that partner with us, the more kids we can bring into the program. The need is so great. But as little as $5 or $10 per month can help a child receive nutritious food, basic medical care, and provide school fees so they can receive an education and break free of the cycle of poverty.
Food Pantry
The Vineyard food pantry is one of the ways we tangibly witness to our community of the love of Jesus Christ, by meeting the needs of the food insecure in our neighborhood and community. Since 2016 we have seen the weekly attendance at our pantry grow from 6 households to over 80 - and it continues to grow! More than simply giving away food, we meet the emotional and spiritual needs of those who come to us by praying for them, offering short Bible devotions, and just being a friend. And your generosity makes this all possible!