What does it mean
to follow Jesus?

Throughout the gospels Jesus’ call to people was to follow him, not merely believe in him. To follow Jesus is best understood as becoming his apprentice. People today become apprentices in order to become all kinds of things - electricians, teachers, chefs, and so on. They learn from a master in their field with the goal of being able to do what the master does. Similarly, following Jesus - or being apprenticed to him - means to learn from him a way of life in order to become like him and do what he did.

Be with

Become like Jesus

Do what Jesus did

Practice the
way of Jesus

Following Jesus is an invitation to a lifestyle, not a one-time decision. It is to take on his way of life - being with him, becoming like him, and doing what he did. We enter this life through faith, but we progress in this life through practice. No one is naturally good at golf. Some may have more natural ability than others, but no one gets good at golf without practice - learning how to hold the club, how to approach the ball, and how to swing the club consistently. Through practice, muscle memory is developed where over time someone’s golf swing appears “natural”. But there is nothing natural about it. It came about through practice.

The same is true for our spiritual life. To “practice” the way of Jesus is to adopt the lifestyle of Jesus, to put his teachings into practice in all aspects of our life. As we live this way, we are transformed from the inside out. Spiritual muscle memorty is formed, and we begin to speak and act increasingly as Jesus would. Through teaching, practice, community, and the Holy Spirit, we become authentically human as God envisioned us.


There is no “one size fits all” way of discipleship. God calls us as unique individuals with unique ways of understanding and relating to him and each other. That said, over the centuries the Church has leaned into certain practices that are tried and true ways of fostering spiritual growth. We invite you to participate in each of these as the Spirit leads you into deeper transformation.

  • Each week we gather on Sunday to worship, hear God's word taught, and pray for one another. Additionally, during certain times of the year, we offer other learning and fellowship opportunities such as small groups and classes.

  • Baptism is how we publicly declare that we have become followers of Jesus.  It is our initiation into the church. Going under the water and coming back up symbolizes a new reality in our life - that our old life is dead and buried, and our new life with Jesus has begun! Find out more about this important step.

  • God loves you, and everything he has done has been so you can be in relationship with him. Prayer (simply talking to God) is how we develop this relationship. It is expressing your deepest fears, longings, and needs to God. But it's also learning to be still and listen for him to speak to you.

    We pray every Sunday morning at 9:30 before service. Everyone is welcome.

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Gather on

Our Sunday gathering is the primary way we come together as a church to worship, learn from the Bible, pray for one another, and make space to hear from the Holy Spirit. Everyone is welcome here.

10:30 AM
5211 S. 29th St.
Fort Smith, AR 72901

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