Sunday Morning at 10:30am
5211 S. 29th St. | Fort Smith, Arkansas
Everyone is welcome at the Vineyard. Yes, we mean everyone.
Already part of Vineyard Fort Smith?
We extend a special welcome to everyone who is single, married, divorced, gay, straight, filthy rich, or dirt poor.
We welcome those who are crying newborns, older than Moses, skinny as a rail, or could afford to lose a few pounds.
We welcome you if you can sing like an angel or if your singing makes angels cry.
You’re welcome here if you are just browsing, just woke up, or just got out of jail.
We don’t care if you are overdressed, underdressed, cross-dressed, more Catholic than the Pope, or haven’t been to church since your great uncle’s funeral.
We especially welcome those who are over 60 but refuse to grow up and teenagers who are growing up too fast.
We welcome soccer moms, NASCAR dads, starving artists, tree huggers, latte-sippers, vegetarians, and junk-food eaters.
We welcome those who are in recovery or are still addicted.
We welcome you if you are having problems, are down in the dumps, or don’t like organized religion - we’ve been there too. (We’re very unorganized, btw!)
If you blew all your offering money at the casino, you’re welcome here.
We welcome all who think the earth is flat, who work too hard, don’t work, can’t splel, or came because mom is in town and drug you to church.
We welcome those who are inked, pierced, or both.
We offer a special welcome to those who could use a prayer right now, who’ve had religion shoved down their throat as a kid, or got lost in traffic and wound up here by mistake.
We welcome the flexible, inflexible, tolerant, intolerant, those who laughed and those who gasped at this welcome.
We welcome tourists, seekers, settlers, squatters, bleeding hearts, and you!
Are You a First Time Guest?
Feel free to check us out before you visit. We’ve done our best to answer any question you may have right here on our site. If there’s something you’re still wondering about, don’t hesitate to reach out! And be sure to watch the latest messages on our YouTube Channel or listen to the audio here.
You may be wondering…
Do I need to dress up?
Nope. We're not that kind of church. Come as you are!
Do you have classes for my kids?
We sure do! Currently we offer classes for nursery through 6th grade.
What if I'm not sure about Christianity?
Perfect, that’s why we’re here. At the Vineyard you can explore faith at your own pace!